name='verify_a78772d791e94fc7f9666f0dd14249cc'/> Blaz Kavcic hits out at Australia over treatment of Novak Djokovic

Blaz Kavcic hits out at Australia over treatment of Novak Djokovic


Former Slovenian tennis player Blaz Kavcic thought world No. 1 Novak Djokovic absolutely deserved a much better treatment than he was given in Australia. 

Shortly after landing in Australia, Djokovic's visa was cancelled and he was placed in detention. 

Djokovic appealed and got visa back but then Australian Immigration Minister Alex Hawke exercised his powers to cancel the visa of the world No. 1. 

Djokovic appealed again but this lost the case and ended up getting deported from the country. 

Also, Djokovic was banned for three years from entering Australia.

"Why they let some people in Australia and changed the rules for him, … you be the judge. But they should never ever put him in some lousy hotel, take his phone and threaten to forbid him entrance for the next couple of years. Unacceptable," Kavcic said, per Marko Hrastar. 

Djokovic holding no grudges

In an interview with Serbian public broadcaster RTS, Djokovic said he prefers to think about all the good memories from Melbourne Park when someone mentions Australia.  

“I will always remember all the nice things that happened for me in Melbourne. I had a lot of professional and personal beautiful moments there. Despite all this, I have a great connection with Australia. Results that I had in Melbourne show you how I feel when I go there," Djokovic said.

“Everything that has happened this year was totally unexpected. It will be hard to forget, but I want to come back to Australia in the future and to play on Rod Laver Arena again.”

Djokovic, who admitted it was hard for him to watch this year's Australian Open, said he thought he would have a great chance at winning it all at the tournament. 

“Nothing in life is guaranteed, but considering everything, I did like my chances in Australia this year. I feel like I’m in my backyard on Rod Laver Arena. Out of respect to Rafael Nadal who won and to all the other players, I don’t dare to say that I would’ve won, but I think I had a good chance," Djokovic said.

from Tennis World USA

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