name='verify_a78772d791e94fc7f9666f0dd14249cc'/> Cena gave his all to the Firefly Fun House match - even his Instagram

Cena gave his all to the Firefly Fun House match - even his Instagram


Love or hate WrestleMania 36 Night Two’s Firefly Fun House match, you have to recognize John Cena’s commitment to the whole thing.

Not only was he game for what had to be hours of shooting, and no small amount of critically examining and poking fun at his career.

Compared to that, dedicating his already weird Instagram to selling the match isn’t that big a deal. But it’s a cool detail in the story of Bray Wyatt rewriting his history via this year’s Showcase of the Immortals.

Check it out.

There’s more, but you get the idea.

Like the Firefly Fun House match itself, it’s a lot to take in.

Yowie Wowie.

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